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MCI Patient Create Validations

Context: Various Government Ministries, divisions, Directorates and departments retain Citizen relevant information in their own forms and databases. Such that each of such organization can effectively maintain unified meaningful information for Citizens, Bangladesh Cabinet recommends a Citizen Core Data Structure (CCDS) be adopted and maintained, for semantic interoperability, so that there is a standard way of indexing enterprise information. CCDS is meant to simplify information management through consistent classification and assignment of standard identifiers to the data names. This approach is very similar to Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF). Although Bangladesh CCDS does not currently adopt the generic UDEF framework, but the intention is that such following of metadata definitions of the CCDS elements  will  ensure initial country-wide   e-Governance   applications interoperability. The CCDS recommendation speculated that applying UDEF may unnecessarily complicate its adoption and delay; however CCDS can easily adopt UDEF at a later stage for international  and  industry wide  interoperability when situation so warrants.

Bangladesh Cabinet Portal – CCDS Document

Please see details in attached Word Doc


MCI field definitions based on CCDS


Field Name

JSON Key Type Description
1.1 HID hid 11 Char
Unique Health ID
1.2 NID nid 13 or 17 digits, Only numbers. No spaces, special characters allowed. For those who already have NID
1.3 BIN / BRN bin_brn


17 digits. No alphabets, space or special characters allowed.

For those who do NOT have NID (Only for those who were below 18 on 2009)
1.4 UID uid Alphanumeric. No space or special characters allowed. This is the proposed Unique Identifier for ALL the Citizens and Residents in Bangladesh. It will be system generated 11 characters Alphanumeric Number during the National Population Registration building process. This is very important for hassle-free Citizens’ Services with integration of various services.
2.1.1 Name in Bangla name_bangla 125 Char Full name in Bangla. Citizens may have difficulties in Bangla typing
2.1.2 Given Name in English given_name 100 Char, space allowed, all special characters including dot is allowed, numbers are also allowed. Name that is common in the family
2.1.3 Surname in English sur_name 25 Char, no spaces, no special characters, numbers are allowed. Name that are common in the family
3.1.1 Father’s name (Bangla) name_bangla 125 Char Full name in Bangla. Citizens may have difficulties in Bangla typing
3.1.2 Father’s given name (English) given_name 100Char, space, numbers, alphabets, special characters, all accepted.
3.1.3 Father’s surname (English) sur_name 25 Char
3.1.4 Father’s Identity


uid Char
Father’s UID: Unique available Identifier of the Citizen’s Father. the proposed UID from NPR. This is also needed for relationship verification. Very important for Land Mutation and inheritance issues.
3.1.5 Father’s Identity


nid 13 or 17 Char Father’s NID: Unique available Identifier of the Citizen’s Father. NID from EC, This is also needed for relationship verification. Very important for Land Mutation and inheritance issues.
3.1.6 Father’s Identity


bin_brn 17 Char Father’s BRN: BRN from BRIS. This is also needed for relationship verification. Very important for Land Mutation and inheritance issues.
3.2.1 Mother’s given name (English) given_name 100Char, space, numbers, alphabets, special characters, all accepted.100 Char First name in English
3.2.2 Mother’s surname (English) sur_name 25 Char Last name in English
3.2.3 Mother’s name (Bangla) name_bangla 125 Char Full name in Bangla. Citizens may have difficulties in Bangla typing
3.2.4 Mother’s Identity


uid Char
Mother’s UID: Unique available Identifier of the Citizen’s mother. the proposed UID from NPR.
3.2.5 Mother’s Identity


nid 13 or 17 Char Mother’s NID: Unique available Identifier of the Citizen’s mother. NID from EC,
3.2.6 Mother’s Identity


bin_brn 17 Char Mother’s BRN: BRN from BRIS. This is also needed for relationship verification.
4. Date of birth date_of_birth 10 Char, No limit on the age. Date of birth as in NID or BIN [yyyy-mm-dd]
5. Place of birth place_of_birth 20 Char. Alphabets, numbers, special characters allowed. Space not allowed. RMO + Area/Village
6. Present address present_address Address Block. Must accept only Bangladesh address (verified in country code) From BBS
7. Permanent Address permanent_address Address Block (can accept foreign address, in which case the hierarchy fields will be disabled. ) From BBS
8. Gender gender 1 Char From BBS
9.1 Marital status marital_status 1 Char
  9.2  Relational status relational_status   1 Char
9.3 Marriage ID marriage_id 8 Char, alphanumeric allowed, spaces & special characters not allowed Proposed Marriage ID for a particular marriage of a Citizen. Needed for the social reality in Bangladesh to record multiple spouses for males. May also be used to track multiple marriage events for either male or female Citizen to resolve inheritance issues.
9.3.1 Spouse’s name (Bangla) name_bangla 125 Char
 9.3.2 Spouse’s given name (English) given_name   100 Char, space, numbers, alphabets, special characters, all accepted.
9.3.3 Spouse’s surname (English)  sur_name 25 Char, numbers and alphabets allowed. Space and special characters not allowed.
9.3.4 Spouse’s Identity


nid 13 or 17 Char Spouse UID / NID / BRN: Unique available Identifier of the Citizen’s Spouse. Either the proposed UID from NPR, or the NID from EC, or the BRN from BRIS. This is also needed for relationship verification. Very important for Land Mutation and inheritance issues.
 9.3.5 Spouse’s Identity


bin_brn 17 Char
9.3.6 Spouse’s Identity


uid Char
10  Religion religion 1 Char From BBS
11 Occupation occupation 2 Char From BBS
12 Blood group blood_group 1 Char From BBS



  Nationality nationality

 50 Char, space, alphabets, numbers, special characters allowed.

From BBS



Educational qualification edu_level

2 Char

From BBS



Disability disability

2 Char

From BBS






2 Char

From BBS


Biometric IDs


  18 Country code country_code No length validation. Spaces, alphabets,special characters not allowed. Digits (no symbol)
  19 Area code area_code No length validation. Spaces, alphabets,special characters not allowed. Digits (no symbol)
  20 Number number 12 digits Digits (no symbol)
  21 Extension extension No length validation. Spaces, alphabets,special characters not allowed. Digits (no symbol)
  22 Primary contact primary_contact 100 Char, spaces, numbers, spacial characters allowed
  23 Status status  1 Char
  24 Date of death date_of_death  10 Char
  25 Confidential confidential Yes , No
  26 Date of birth type dob_type   1 Char
27 Household code household_code No length validation. It should be a number Digits (no symbol). It is the household code assigned by DGHS

Please note: All fields marked in blue are mandatory fields

CCDS fields validations.pdf

Appendix A

a. Address Object

The address object would contain the following fields:

The table below represents an expansion of the Address Field number 6 & 7:

Address Blocks Json Key Size Code Description
A1 Holding number holding_number 50 Char From BBS
A2 Street street 50 Char From BBS
A3 Area/mouja area_mouja 50 Char From BBS
A4 Village village 50 Char From BBS
A5 Post Office post_office 50 Char From POSTOFFICE
A6 Post Code post_code 4 Char 4 Digit From POSTOFFICE
A7 Upazila upazila_id 2 Char 2 Digit From BBS
A8 Union/urban ward id
 union_or_urban_ward_id 2 Char 2 Digit From BBS
 A9   Rural ward id rural_ward_id
A10 City Corporation/Pouroshobha city_corporation_id 2 Char 2 Digit From BBS
A11 Zila (District) district_id 2 Char 2 Digit From BBS
A12 Division division_id 2 Char 2 Digit From BBS
A13 Country code
country_code 3 Char 3 Digit From BBS
  A14   Address line address_line 3 to 256 Char Free text

b. Marital Info Object

The marital info object would contain the following fields:

– The marital status field will be outside of the marital info object.

Name Type Description
marriage_id string Marriage ID from marriage registration system
name_bangla string Spouse’s full name in bangla
given_name string Spouse’s given name in english
sur_name   string Spouse’s sur name in english
nid/bin_brn/uid string Spouse’s NID/BRN/UID
relational_status number Spouse’s relational status

c. Gender Code

Value Code
Male M
Female F
Others O

d. Marital Status Code

Value Code
Unmarried 1
Married 2
Widow/Widower 3
Separated 4
Divorced 5

e. Relational Status Code

Value Code
Married    2
Widow/Widower 3
Separated 4
Divorced 5

f. Religion  Code

Value Code
Muslim 1
Hindu 2
Buddho 3
Christian 4
Refuse to disclose 8
Not a believer 9
Others 0

g. Blood Group Code

Value Code
O+ ( O Positive) 1
O  ( O Negative) 2
A+ ( A Positive) 3
A- ( A Negative) 4
B+ ( B Positive) 5
B- ( B Negative) 6
AB+ ( AB Positive)    7
AB– ( AB Negative) 8

h. Disability Code

Value Code
Visual impairment
Hearing impairment
Physical    4
Psychological 5

i. Status Code

Value Code

j. Confidential Code

Value Code

k. Death of Birth Type

Value Code
Estimated    3

l. Occupation Code

See the attached word document (CCDS)

m. Education Code

See the attached word document (CCDS)

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