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Configuring a User for Patient Journal

Patient Journal then authenticates the user from HRM. To enable patients access to Patient Journal a user needs to be created in HRM.

A process should be setup by DGHS to enable registering of patients. This document shows how to configure a user with a patient profile in HRM. After which the user details can be shared with the patient thus enabling the user to view his/her clinical records.

Steps to configure a Patient User in HRM System:

  1. Register the patient in MCI and note the Health ID.
    OR if patient is already registered in MCI, note down the Health ID of the patient.
  2. An HRM admin can now create a patient in HRM with the email obtained from the user and a password.
    The Groups that needs to be assigned to user are :

    1. SHR User
    2. MCI User
    3. Patient
  3. In addition the Health ID of the Patient should be specified in the “Health ID” field.

TBD: Change the below picture after HRM shows up the health id field.

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