Shared Health Record (EN)

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Note :

  • Nagios gives you details about which service is down
  • Based on which service is down you troubleshoot based using below methods

The list of services, log file locations and databases used are listed in this page.

Service Running

  • Run this command “sudo service [service-name] status
  • if the response is “[service-name] is not running“. Just restart the server by running “ sudo service [service-name] restart

Disk Space Check

  • Run this command  “df -ah
  • Will list down all the file system disk usage space
  • Check for the file system who usage is more than 90%
  • Then delete the files which are not required in the location where usage is more.
  • Then restart the  server by running ” sudo service [service-name] restart

Cassandra  PID file dead

  • Run this command “sudo service cassandra status” and you get response as “Output:Cassandra dead but pid file exists.
  • Remove the dead pid file by running the command “rm /var/run/cassandra/
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